1 min read

Being Prepared is Not Hard

September is Emergency Preparedness Month, and it comes at the right time. Right now there are wildfires on the west coast and hurricanes on the east. There are weather events threatening the entire country and all during a pandemic that has caused us to think differently about preparation.

Time to dig out the emergency kit you bought a few years ago and haven’t thought about since the last earthquake. It is time to make sure you have food in it that is still good, provides complete nutrition, and is something you would actually consume in an emergency. Let’s be honest those dehydrated rations are something that no one should have to consume, even in a dire situation.

So upgrade your emergency pack with complete nutrition and rest easy that you have food that would not only sustain life, but wouldn’t make you more miserable during a hard time.


Beyond nutrition the experts at have put together an entire list of items you should make sure are in your kit, take time to read the full list to ensure you are prepared.